Friday, October 4, 2013

C is for Cat

Week 4 & 5
Theme: C is for Cat
Letter: C
Color: Yellow
Shape: Circle
Book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear
(What can I say, she loves this book)
Bible Story: Day 4 of Creation

Gross Motor Skill:

The day that I have scheduled for gross motor skills I had two other toddlers (ages 2&3).  It was suppose to be Red Light, Green Light. I figured with three of them it would be too difficult to try and teach them how to play.  Instead, we just had outside time and they seemed to come up with their own gross motor activities- Climbing through the tree, running, bouncing and throwing the ball.  It was great to watch KM play and laugh with others her age.  She had so much fun!

Fine Motor Skill: Puzzles

I have printed these out every week, for each letter & theme.  KM doesn't find much interest in them for longer then a minute.  Though I will try  and introduce them to her periodically.  Once she fully understands what she is doing and how the piece go together to make one large picture, I believe, that she will get more out of them. (1+1+1=1)


Craft: Mobile

This week we made a mobile to go along with our creation story.  We colored the pieces, found sticks, and than hung it up in her room.  KM was so proud of this project.  As soon as J got home KM ran and dragged her to the room to show her.  (ABCJLM)

Sign Language:
This is still so amazing to me.  I add new signs every week to go along with the lessons and she just soaks it up.  She loves learning new signs.  I wonder how many she knows??
-Thank you

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